Rosaliy Lynne - TGirl
My Photo Albums
About Me
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My Photo Albums
My Pets
My Jewelry

On this page I'll start with myself and my cats and go on from there. Likely I will have several album links from this page including links to other places where pictures of me are stored. One obvious benefit of this is that my present web space won't be entirely filled with pictures of me and I will have room for other things.

Me Standing; Size=180 pixels wide

Me Standing

Here is another view of the new me as I pose to let my camera take my picture.

Due to customer service issues, I have deleted my Flickr/Yahoo photo albums (10-01-07).

earlier me - standing; Size=180 pixels wide

Early Me

Here is a somewhat earlier version of me, also standing, and in one of my (then) new outfits. Poorly posed, I think, but still me. I do hope you see a great improvement in my general appearance.

For now, I will leave family and children out of the albums. These areas are still very sensitive and for a lot of very personal reasons this is the way it will have to be.